Bocoran Fitur terbaru Windows 7

Jakarta, Microsoft baru saja memamerkan sistem operasi teranyar mereka, Windows 7, untuk pertama kalinya di Indonesia. Lebih dari 50 fitur baru dibenamkan dalam OS ini. Windows 7 sepertinya memang dibuat untuk menyempurnakan sang pendahulu, Windows Vista. Hal itu terlihat dari tampilan user interface-nya yang tak berbeda jauh dengan Vista.

Mengubah Tampilan Windows Dengan TrueTransparency

Saat ini ada banyak sekali software yang dapat digunakan untuk mengganti tampilan Windows, misalnya dengan transformation pack yang pernah di tulis di sini, WindowBlinds, Talisman, dan sebagainya. Salah satu “kelemahan” dari transformation pack adalah seringkali membuat Windows kurang stabil alias sering hang.

Mengganti Logo Booting Pada Windows XP

Secara default Windows XP menampilkan logo bendera pada saat proses booting Windows XP. Barangkali kamu sudah bosan dengan logo tersebut dan pengen mengganti dengan logo lain yang lebih menarik.

Need For Speed Under Cover

Satu game PC yang belum sempat tak coba. Kayaknya bagus, sama seperti versi-versi sebelumnya yang ga kalah bagusnya. Hmm, penasaran pingin main jadinya, hahaha..

Berikut ini ada beberapa software yang digunakan buat ngukur bandwith laju koneksi internet, moga aja bermanfaat yow..

NetMeter adalah program monitoring kustomasi bandwidth jaringan Windows.

* Laporan total
* TMemproyeksikan penggunaan bandwidth
* Laporan Harian
* Laporan Mingguan
* Laporan Bulanan
* Custon Grafik dan Font
* Notifikasi Volume Lalu Lintas


Top 10 Benefits of Bandwidth Meter Pro:

1. See your bandwidth speed visually
Bandwidth Meter Pro monitors network traffic through your computer and displays graphical and numerical download and upload speeds in real-time. You can use the software to measure the bandwidth speed of your LAN or WAN connections.

2. Get realtime Internet bandwidth usage
If you're using a dial-up connection (e.g. modem, ISDN, DSL, ADSL, cable modem) to connect to Internet, you can get the Internet bandwidth usage in real time and the total bandwidth usage to avoid overshooting your Broadband limitation.

3. Monitor multiple network connections bandwidth speed
It's very useful if your computer has multiple network connections (LAN and WAN) and you want to monitor more than one network connections bandwidth speed at the same time.

4. Daily, weekly and monthly bandwidth usage reports
Bandwidth Meter Pro logs network traffic and provides daily, weekly, monthly and summary bandwidth usage reports.

5. Bandwidth usage notification
If you're using a bandwidth limited Internet connect, you may need to get an notification when you exceed the limitation for the connection. It's available in Bandwidth Meter Pro as well.

6. Monitor Bandwidth usage of your server
Bandwidth Meter Pro supports running as a system service. This means the software monitors bandwidth usage of your server without log on. The service monitors bandwidth usage, record rates, and generate traffic report in txt, csv, and html formats every N seconds. So, you can export traffic reports in html file to your web directory, and then browse the file to view bandwidth usage anywhere and anytime.

7. Test download and upload speeds of your network connections The built-in speeds stopwatch can help you to test the download and upload speeds of a network connection in a user-specified period.

8. Record traffic rates of a specified connection
Bandwidth Meter Pro provides a useful tool - traffic rates recorder, which records download and upload speeds of one or more connections and export to a text or Microsoft Excel .csv file.

9. No extra drivers needed
The Bandwidth Monitor doesn't install extra drivers to your computer. This will keep your system clean and reliable.

10. Small, simple, accurate and reliable
Size of Bandwidth Meter Pro is less than 1 MB; it has a simple interface, and it displays the accurate bandwidth speed and uses very low resources.


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